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Unclickable "Next" button as unregistered user
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When I open as unregistered user and change something in the text area, the button changes colour, but clicking it does nothing.

I noticed that the HTML is, according to inspector:

<div class="overlay-action"><button class="continue" style="">Next</button></div>

When I login, it's just:

<div class="overlay-action"><button class="continue">Next</button></div>

Can an empty style attribute be at fault?

Event Timeline

Nemo_bis raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Nemo_bis updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nemo_bis added a subscriber: Florian.

Change 200602 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Fix Next button for anonymous users

Change 200621 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Fix Next button for anonymous users

Change 200602 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix Next button for anonymous users

Change 200621 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix Next button for anonymous users

VERIFIED. The number of edits went back to normal level on after the fix was deployed:

MariaDB [itwiki_p]> SELECT LEFT(rev_timestamp, 8) AS DATE, COUNT(*) FROM revision_userindex INNER JOIN tag_summary ON  ts_rev_id = rev_id AND ts_tags LIKE "%mobile web edit%" WHERE  rev_timestamp > "20150301" AND rev_user = 0 GROUP BY DATE;
| DATE     | COUNT(*) |
| 20150402 |       94 |
| 20150403 |      201 |
| 20150404 |      388 |
| 20150405 |      319 |
37 rows in set (31.81 sec)

Thanks for the investigatory work @Nemo_bis ! :-)