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When using UploadWizard, clicking the "Next" button on the "Describe" page has no effect
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was able to upload,_De_l%27Esprit_des_loix_%281st_ed,_1748,_vol_1%29.pdf successfully. It's a large file but I have chunked uploads activated. However, when trying to upload volume 2, the upload appeared to work until the "Describe" page. After filling in the fields, I clicked the "Next" button but nothing happened. I repeated the entire upload three times but could not get UploadWizard to finalize the upload.

Could this be related to T94562?

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Smuconlaw raised the priority of this task from to High.
Smuconlaw updated the task description. (Show Details)
Smuconlaw added a project: Commons.
Smuconlaw subscribed.

If I try to upload the file using the old Special:Upload page, I get the error message "413 Request Entity Too Large / nginx/1.6.2".

I think I have discovered what caused the error. I decided to retry the upload today, and noticed that yesterday when I had attempted the uploads, I had forgotten to complete the required fields "Source" and "Author" on the page before the "Describe" page. However, despite not having entered any information into those fields, I was able to progress to the "Describe" page, though not to click the "Next" button. There is also no way to go back one step once you get to the "Describe" page.

Today, when I filled in those fields, I was able to complete the upload (,_De_l%27Esprit_des_loix_%281st_ed,_1748,_vol_2%29.pdf). It looks like the website needs to stop editors from advancing to the "Describe" page if they forget to fill in the fields on the previous page.

I tried to reproduce this problem, but I couldn't find a way to progress from "Release rights" to "Describe" without choosing one of the three options and filling in all the fields required for the given one (the "Next" button is not visible, or I get error messages). This must have been fixed since April.

I'm going to close this task, if you run into this issue again, please reopen it!

matmarex set Security to None.

Yes, I haven't encountered the issue for a while, so I guess it has been fixed.