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[Task] Investigate label prefetching for entities referred to (solely) in revision comments
Open, LowPublic


Right now we do label prefetching in various places, but we can't for entities that are referred to in revision comments as these are only known by the time the revision comments get parsed by Linker::formatLinksInComment. Investigate on whether there's a way to do that.

One possible, but not very nice, solution would be to build a function like Linker::formatLinksInComment that scraps entity ids from comments and aggregates those for prefetching (before the actual parsing and entity loading happens).

Event Timeline

hoo raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
hoo updated the task description. (Show Details)
hoo subscribed.
Jonas renamed this task from Investigate label prefetching for entities referred to (solely) in revision comments to [Task] Investigate label prefetching for entities referred to (solely) in revision comments.Aug 15 2015, 12:32 PM
Addshore lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Jan 23 2019, 12:37 PM

@hoo, do we still want to do this?

I'm not sure how important this… but loading terms seems to take a significant amount of the time when loading RecentChanges.

I suspect that this is no longer as important with the new layers of term related caching and lookups etc.
But it would be good to confirm that.