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Spinning arrow with full width nav drawer looks strange (and isn't standard conform)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Comes from:;TicketID=8293728

The user reminds us, that a Spinning arrow (hamburger menu + spinny arrow) doesn't conform to the new nav drawer guidelines for full height navigation drawers (btw it doesn't look very good ;)). Following link(s) will help to understand (hopefully):

I think the point is clear :) That should be fixed.

Event Timeline

Florian raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Florian updated the task description. (Show Details)
Florian added subscribers: Florian, SuppliedRelic.
Dbrant triaged this task as Low priority.May 5 2015, 1:14 PM
Dbrant moved this task from Needs Triage to Bug Backlog on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.
Dbrant subscribed.
SuppliedRelic raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Aug 4 2015, 12:30 AM

What is going on with this ticket? There have been numerous updates pushed since this issue was reported and nothing has been done to correct it.

Dbrant lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Aug 4 2015, 1:05 AM

This ticket is one among many in our Bug Backlog, and is currently not a high priority. It is, however, relatively high in the order of the backlog, which means that we should be getting around to it soon. I will also tag this ticket with the "Easy" tag, so that potential contributors (including anyone you might know) can see that this task should not be difficult to implement.

This ticket is one among many in our Bug Backlog, and is currently not a high priority. It is, however, relatively high in the order of the backlog, which means that we should be getting around to it soon.

This issue has been here since April. Splash Screens were only very recently added to the Material Design guidelines and somehow one was added to the Wikipedia Beta application in the very recent update. Could you explain how the Bug Backlog works? Shouldn't bugs be fixed before adding new features?

If fixing bugs took absolute priority over adding new features, then there would never be time to add new features. Our resources are very limited, so we try to strike a balance between delivering new features and fixing outstanding issues.

We added the splash screen because, without it, the system shows a bright white screen, which is especially jarring for users of our Dark mode. The issue described in this ticket, on the other hand, is significantly less prominent (I dare say almost undetectable to all but the most discerning eye), and was therefore weighed accordingly when prioritizing our work.

And I'll mention again: the app is open-source, so we'll be happy to see a patch from an outside contributor that might fix this issue.

Change 246778 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant):
No longer do the spinny-arrow animation on the hamburger icon.

Change 246778 merged by jenkins-bot:
No longer do the spinny-arrow animation on the hamburger icon.

I compared 2.0.131-alpha-2015-10-16 with 2.0.111-r-2015-09-16 on Android 5x and 4x - the spinning arrow animation is not present.