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Limn language dashboard: eswiki graph is wrong/stuck
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There is something wrong with, and eswiki graph. It seems data is also not updating after graph show flatness. See, for correct figure.

On betafeature figure = 2,636
On graph = 2.09K

Event Timeline

KartikMistry raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
KartikMistry updated the task description. (Show Details)
KartikMistry added subscribers: KartikMistry, Milimetric.

Kartik, I ran that query in the database a few times and that's the number I get. So the replication may be messed up for that single table? I'm really swamped at the moment, but if you can confirm we can raise it with Sean.

@Milimetric Yes please, we need Sean now. Graph is still flat :/

@Springle, It seems something is wrong with replication of eswiki, at least the user_properties table. We execute this:

select count(*) as eswiki from eswiki.user_properties where up_property = 'cx' and up_value = 1;

And we've been getting the same value (2093) for too long. We figure from the database that backs the counts on this page: that this number is different in the production database.

Thanks in advance for any help and let us know if we should cc the new DBA instead.

Indeed, I reported S7 issues to analytics@ a couple weeks ago (they started after the full /tmp problems in late April), and have been jumping over some hurdles to rebuild S7 on analytics-store while the box is under load. Context:

Some weird replication behavior is occurring after last week's issue.
S7 shard is not replicating data, even though configuration has not
changed and no errors are being logged. The affected wikis are:


Also the centralauth db.

I'll try to expedite stuff.

Thanks, Sean, I saw your note but didn't realize that was still going on. Is there another phab task to merge this one into?

Amire80 triaged this task as Medium priority.May 28 2015, 1:05 PM
Amire80 lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Jun 12 2015, 12:53 PM
Amire80 claimed this task.
Amire80 subscribed.

Not really used anymore.