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GENDER support for cx-translation-already-in-progress
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Nemo_bis raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Nemo_bis updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nemo_bis added projects: I18n, ContentTranslation.
Nemo_bis added a subscriber: geraki.

What exactly needs to be wrapped in GENDER here?

Once answered, I'll take care of it. (If anything is determined to need GENDER support, that is.)

Gender of $1 may require e.g. coordinations like these:

  • This is an ongoing translation {{GENDER:$1|by}} $1.
  • This {{GENDER:$1|is}} an ongoing translation by $1.

depending on language type. I agree that these appear foreign to English speakers :-) but you can as well imagine

  • This is an ongoing translation {{GENDER:$1|by user}} $1.
MtDu added a subscriber: Devirk.

Ok. Now that I look at it, I think the first option seems to be the best one. I'll go ahead and take care of it.

Change 244644 had a related patch set uploaded (by Devirk):
Gender support addded to cx-translation-already-in-progress.

Change 244644 merged by jenkins-bot:
Gender support addded to conflict messages

Done? Now I saw ...ongoing translation {{GENDER:$2|by}} $1. on twn.

Petar.petkovic subscribed.

This is long resolved. English message says This is an ongoing translation {{GENDER:$2|by}} $1.