User Details
- User Since
- Nov 13 2015, 3:04 AM (482 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
- LDAP User
- Fluffernutter
- MediaWiki User
- Kbrown (WMF) [ Global Accounts ]
Sep 7 2024
Dec 14 2023
Jul 23 2021
Nov 13 2019
Nov 7 2019
Yep, we just finished getting the privacy statement up on gov wiki, so we're good to go now. I do believe we're ready for you to send!
Nov 1 2019
Oh, probably good if I tell you what it is I want you to send out, too. We'd like a message along the lines of this (though please let me know if you see any issues with the message, and feel free to make suggestions!). That doc also contains the list of usernames we want to send to.
Aug 22 2018
Hi there. Hopefully I'm doing this right - please let me know if I've borked it:
Aug 15 2018
Jul 12 2017
Just wanted to leave a comment thanking you all for creating and deploying this feature - it's been incredibly useful to me lately, something I didn't even realized I needed so badly until I had it! Thank you, thank you, thank you :)
Jun 9 2017
Apr 21 2017
Feb 11 2016
For the record, Roan asked me to file this so that it existed in a reviewable format for him/his team. How priorities are hashed out among phab users is not something I'm familiar with, so I don't know if "he asked me to" matters, or whether he wanted to review it because he thought it was workable or because he just wanted to wontfix it officially or what.
Jan 27 2016
Bumping this thread, as this bug (at least, I think it's this bug) has surfaced on Meta this week and caused rather a lot of annoyance for people trying to track translation progress on multiple languages.
Bumping this gently, since this type of fallback has been requested by community members on Meta this week (in the context of the current workaround being somewhat unintuitive and people being redirected back to English if it's not done exactly right). Any chance someone could make this happen?