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Feature to add Newsletter subscribers manually
Closed, ResolvedPublic


There needs a way to add subscribers to a newsletter manually. Now the only way is to expect users to subscribe themselves, which is good as a default use case but limits two other valid use cases:

  • Migration of existing lists of users in other formats (MassMessage, wiki lists...)
  • Possibility to add manually users by admins, under admin's criteria (probably more relevant in 3rd party wikis than Wikimedia) i.e. a corporate wiki.

This feature should be available for administrators only. When abused, this is basically a powerful tool for easy spamming. Considering how easy is to become the owner of a newsletter and how infrequent is the need of this feature, I think restriction to administrators is the way to go.

Old description

A way to easily help readers migrate to the new system, without them having to do anything.

  • Develop a way for admins (or confirmed newsletter publishers) to migrate the list of existing subscribers (either raw wikitext lists, or a massmessage listing) into the new system - (??)
  • ...
  • Profit!

For the initial newsletters that use this system, and/or old newsletters with massive subscription lists, this will also need: First get community consensus (or per-newsletter consensus) that this extension is a good replacement for all stakeholders

Event Timeline

Quiddity raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Quiddity updated the task description. (Show Details)
Quiddity subscribed.
QuimGil renamed this task from Migrate existing subscribers of existing newsletters to the new system to Feature to add Newsletter subscribers manually.Dec 18 2016, 3:44 PM
QuimGil updated the task description. (Show Details)
QuimGil added subscribers: 01tonythomas, QuimGil.

@01tonythomas I wonder whether the implementation of this feature could be sliced in different GCi tasks?

@01tonythomas I wonder whether the implementation of this feature could be sliced in different GCi tasks?

I need to get to know how this should be sliced upon, like I need information on:

  1. Is current newsletters stored only in MassMessage lists (if there are more, then these can be individual tasks, as parsing them is different)
  2. Should we be going for a migration script - in this case - it would be easy, but only executed by someone with shell on the wiki

@Legoktm might know how to get things out of MassMessage lists. CCing him. If we can get this done by GCI, then it would be great, and a very serious task completed!

I don't think we need to complicate things so much. The Newsletter extension could simply offer somewhere a textarea where administrators could introduce usernames, one per line, with a format "User:Xyz". That's it.

You can see how MassMessages subscribers lists look like at

Owners of MassMessage lists willing to move to Newsletters can clean their own lists pretty easily.

I don't think we need to complicate things so much. The Newsletter extension could simply offer somewhere a textarea where administrators could introduce usernames, one per line, with a format "User:Xyz". That's it.

Will there be a problem of interwiki users coming up ? Like the massmessage stores things of the format {{target | user = Username | site =}} and I think we should be considering something like that too ? It would be greatful for the existing newsletters if we can direcetly use the same format {{target | user = Username | site =}} though :D

I have no idea about the complexity of the interwiki implementation... I think the right agile sequence is:

  1. Implement this feature with "User:Xyz" only. Wikimedia has cross-wiki notifications, so users will get those notifications anyway.
  2. Implement T110645: Interwiki support for Newsletter extension
  3. Celebrate! ;)
  4. Go back to this feature and see whether we still want to work on Username/wiki pairs.

I have no idea about the complexity of the interwiki implementation... I think the right agile sequence is:

  1. Implement this feature with "User:Xyz" only. Wikimedia has cross-wiki notifications, so users will get those notifications anyway.

can be broken down to:

  1. Create a new 'subscribers' view for administrators (a new subtitle on top, etc - probably at Special:Newsletter/id/subscribers) and have a text box there listing down subscribers one per line
  2. Make the textbox to be part of a form so that its editable and changes are committed to the database

see how it works ?

Works for me.

Alright. Creating the tasks :D Hope someone is ready to work on that kind of messy tasks !

Looks like we got more subtasks coming in!

Pppery subscribed.
Pppery unsubscribed.

Everything is set here, I guess. Closing this one as resolved! Thank you!