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Add redirect capability to Flow
Open, MediumPublic


Contributors need to be able to automatically redirect users from a deprecated page to the corresponding canonical page.

In wikitext, this is done with a magic word: #REDIRECT [[Target page]]

Flow needs to have a way to do this.

Danny/Roan's idea:

  • Type #REDIRECT [[Target page]] at the top of the board's side rail.
  • When a user follows a link to the redirect page, the target page says (Redirected from Talk:Board name).
  • The "Talk:Board name" in that message is a link to the redirect page, with &redirect=no added to the URL.
  • Removing the #REDIRECT magic word from the side rail makes it a regular board page again.

We could do this along with the ability to move topics to another board, or just release it on its own. This is a hidden feature for experienced users, so I'm not very stressed about somebody using it accidentally.

Requested on Catalan:

See also: T96631: Enable the checkbox to leave a redirect behind when moving a Flow Board

Event Timeline

DannyH raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)
DannyH subscribed.

Things to spec out:

  • Can it just work if the board is non-existent (in the case of replacing a board with a redirect, it could be deleted first)?
  • Should Flow content model support redirects, or just create a WikitextContent redirect?
  • User interface
  • User right (editcontentmodel) required?

New request on a wiki, plus an other one from a CL.

At the moment it is possible to create a redirect like that: make a /subpage in your userspace. Page-move it on top of the empty Flow board. (@Quiddity's recipe)