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Special:ContentTranslationStats should have ability to show only translations in the wiki's language
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As there are many wikis with enabled ContenTranslation and so many published translations, graph of translated articles (especially in smaller wikis) in wiki's language is far too near to zero. From such graph is hard to read useful information about evolution on usage on the one specified wiki.

There should be option to "show only translations in the particular language" (and maybe to "show only translations in the particular wiki", especially after deploying ContentTranslation to non-Wikipedia projects).

Event Timeline

KuboF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
KuboF updated the task description. (Show Details)
KuboF added a project: ContentTranslation.
KuboF subscribed.

As part of T110325, I was suggesting to provide control on whether to display the local language, all languages or both.

translations-per-week-initial.png (796×960 px, 50 KB)

We can consider a more advanced language selection mechanism if we consider to support comparing different languages easily, but the above should at least help with the bigger problem of the "all languages" graph making the local one irrelevant by expanding the scale too much.

santhosh claimed this task.
santhosh subscribed.

The total translation graph and language specific graph as separated now. You can see it in every wiki, for example:

That address this issue.