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Re-broadcast RCStream with ORES scores
Open, LowestPublic


Would be cool! Listen to Wikipedia with Quality and things.

Event Timeline

yuvipanda raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
yuvipanda updated the task description. (Show Details)

This would be a better alternative than bots hitting ORES API for recent scores. We ought to discourage that. Something like RSS feed and/or JSON that shows scores for the latest revisions would do the trick. This would also reduce multiple requests of same revids as I am aware that is a problem for parallel/distributed computing.

Also this would be easier for bot operators to implement RC bots if they forgo reading the RC feed and would get what they care about, the actual scores.

@Krinkle, is this something you think that we should be looking at right now, or should we wait to see what the Collaboration-Team-Triage wants to do re. ERI?

Halfak triaged this task as Lowest priority.Aug 18 2016, 2:34 PM
Halfak set Security to None.

A good first task is a self-contained, non-controversial task with a clear approach. It should be well-described with pointers to help a completely new contributor. Given the current short task description I'm removing the good first task tag. Please add details what exactly has to happen where and how for a new contributor, and then add back the good first task project tag. Thanks a lot in advance!