(When fixing please add a test)
Notice: Undefined index: description in /Users/jrobson/git/core/extensions/QuickSurveys/includes/QuickSurveys.hooks.php on line 57
$wgQuickSurveysConfig = array( array( "@name"=> "survey name", "name"=> "internal example survey", "@type"=> "internal or external link survey", "type"=> "internal", "@question"=> "survey question message key", "question"=> "ext-quicksurveys-example-internal-survey-question", "@answers"=> "possible answer message keys for positive, neutral, and negative", "answers"=> array( "positive"=> "ext-quicksurveys-example-internal-survey-answer-positive", "neutral"=> "ext-quicksurveys-example-internal-survey-answer-neutral", "negative"=> "ext-quicksurveys-example-internal-survey-answer-negative" ), "@schema"=> "Which schema to log to", "schema"=> "QuickSurveysResponse", "@enabled"=> "whether the survey is enabled", "enabled"=> true, "@coverage"=> "percentage of users that will see the survey", "coverage"=> "100", "@platform"=> "for each platform (desktop, mobile), which version of it is targeted (stable, beta, alpha)", "platform"=> array( "desktop"=> ["stable"], "mobile"=> ["stable", "beta", "alpha"] ) ),
and notice an error when you load the page at http://localhost:8888/w/index.php/Headings?quicksurvey=true