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Notify user when a tag is added to/removed from their edit
Open, MediumPublic


... by another user/bot, not an extension.

Event Timeline

matej_suchanek raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
matej_suchanek updated the task description. (Show Details)
matej_suchanek subscribed.
Restricted Application added subscribers: TTO, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Catrope triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 23 2015, 11:58 PM
Catrope subscribed.

Hello, I am looking forward to solve my first bug.
This bug is from the extension right ? This extension gives error about wfMsg() and on searching, I found that the extension is not actively maintained.


It's not a bug but a feature request and it seems to me to be completely unrelated with the linked extension.

@Adeora7: When looking at a task that you want to work on, be sure to check the "Projects" field. It will show you which extensions, or parts of core MediaWiki, are relevant to the task. In this case, MediaWiki-Change-tagging (part of MediaWiki core) and Notifications (extension) are listed.

@matej_suchanek @TTO thanks. I thought MediaWiki-Change-tagging is a separate extension.

@matej_suchanek which notification category should be used? Or a new notification category should be made?

I'm not a developer, this is rather a question for them, though I don't think any of the default ones fits.

However, this task is still blocked by another change in core.

May I please take up this task to work on?

@TameeshB: This issue has been assigned to you a while ago.
Could you please share a status update? Are you still working (or still plan to work) on this issue? Is there anything that others could help with? If you do not plan to work on this issue anymore, please remove yourself as assignee (via Add Action...Assign / Claim in the dropdown menu) so others could work on it. Thanks a lot!

WhitePhosphorus subscribed.

Just to clarify that I'm still interested in working on this. Sorry for the delay.