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Allow publishers to remove themselves
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When a user is added as publisher, the user can get a notification saying he/she was added as a publisher to the newsletter. On clicking on the notification, you will be taken to a page where you can remove yourself. Or should the publisher be asked to uncheck the publisher checkbox in Special:ManageNewsletter ?

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Tinaj1234 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Tinaj1234 updated the task description. (Show Details)

I would not add new interfaces, just point to the ones we already have.

Publishers can already remove publishers through the manage interface. Any publisher of a newsletter can remove any publisher for that particular newsletter. But I don't think it's necessary to allow removing self from publishers because they are not forced to do anything just because they are a publisher. We don't allow users to remove themselves from user groups in MediaWiki core either unless configured to do so.

However, I believe we should restrict removing publishers to a user right (merge add-publishers rights and remove-publisher rights to a single right) instead of the current model in which any publisher can remove any publisher from the newsletter. It's probably a bad idea to keep it the current way and was actually kept like this during removal of ownership system; previously it was restricted to owners. Changing this would make it more consistent with MediaWiki's user permissions system.

Note: Notifications for addition/removal of publishers is T108301.

Makes kind of sense.

The initial idea here is that if someone makes me publisher without my consent, I should have a way to not accept that user right or give it back. It is true that having that user right doesn't force me to do anything, but I will be appearing as a publisher, and someone might deduce that I'm responsible for something (especially if I happen to be the only one, because the rest left). So there are some implications...

[...] but I will be appearing as a publisher, and someone might deduce that I'm responsible for something (especially if I happen to be the only one, because the rest left). So there are some implications...

Ah, indeed. I didn't consider this so it's probably fine to let publishers remove themselves even if they don't have the right for it.

Qgil triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 12 2015, 11:28 AM

I just tested this. I can click "Remove" and the row with my username is removed, but if I reload the page I'm still these as publisher.

Looks like this is working for me. I clicked on "Remove" button and the row got removed and it didn't appear after reload. Something else is broken then?

Ah, the manage API only works if you have the newsletter-addpublisher right. :/ I guess your account didn't have that right.

Change 252724 had a related patch set uploaded (by Glaisher):
Allow users with 'newsletter-manage' right to add/remove publishers

Change 252724 merged by jenkins-bot:
Allow users with 'newsletter-manage' right to add/remove publishers

The table row would also now be removed only if the removal did actually happen.