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The translation_started_by value is not updated if translation goes through draft -> delete -> draft by new translator steps
Open, MediumPublic


If translator A deletes her translation, and later Translator B does the same translation, the translation_started_by data in cx_translations is not updated to Translator B's user id. It remains as translator A's user Id.

That is wrong. It is a fresh translation and translation_started_by should be TranslatorB's user id.

Event Timeline

santhosh raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
santhosh updated the task description. (Show Details)
santhosh added subscribers: santhosh, Aklapper.
Amire80 renamed this task from translation_started_by not updated if translation goes through draft -> delete->draft by new translator steps to The translation_started_by value is not updated if translation goes through draft -> delete -> draft by new translator steps.Feb 7 2016, 4:09 PM
Amire80 set Security to None.
Amire80 added a project: Essential-Work.
Amire80 moved this task from Needs Triage to CX8 on the ContentTranslation board.

Change 269598 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh):
Fresh translation after deletion should have correct author and dates

Change 269598 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fresh translation after deletion should have correct author and dates

Is this supposed to be deployed in production?

I started a translation of "Kennedy half dollar" using username A. I ran select * from cx_translations where translation_source_title = 'Kennedy half dollar';. The status was "draft". I deleted it, and the status became "deleted". I started the same translation again with username B. The status was again "draft", and the translation_last_update_by value changed to the ID of user B, but translation_started_by was still by user A.

Is this supposed to be deployed in production?

It is not in production yet. Will go with the branch creating today.

This doesn't seem to be fixed. I am trying this in production now, and I am getting a saving error. The content is not saved at all, the status in the database remains as "deleted", and the username who started the first translation is shown. I tried with several articles and several languages, and the result is the same everywhere.

getting a saving error

Do you have details about this? Any error trace. Without saving happens the above owner transition will not happen.

getting a saving error

Do you have details about this? Any error trace. Without saving happens the above owner transition will not happen.


"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0"eswikienKartoszynoesKartoszynoAmire80{"servedby":"mw1136","error":{"code":"noaccess","info":"Another user is already translating this article","*":"See for API usage"},"errorCode":"noaccess"}1

The important part is probably "Another user is already translating this article". This shouldn't happen, because the article was definitely in the "deleted" status when I started the new translation.

Arrbee renamed this task from The translation_started_by value is not updated if translation goes through draft -> delete -> draft by new translator steps to [triage]The translation_started_by value is not updated if translation goes through draft -> delete -> draft by new translator steps.Jun 25 2018, 1:34 PM
Arrbee moved this task from Bugs to Check & Move on the ContentTranslation board.
Arrbee renamed this task from [triage]The translation_started_by value is not updated if translation goes through draft -> delete -> draft by new translator steps to The translation_started_by value is not updated if translation goes through draft -> delete -> draft by new translator steps.Jul 6 2018, 3:00 PM