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"You must choose a space for this object" notification when attempting to save changes to a Task
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This only happens for some tasks. It prevents any changes from being committed.

Event Timeline

Is this via "Edit Task"? Or via the "Actions" dropdown? Is the "Space" field displayed for you? Is it prefilled with S1?

Examples of tasks with this issue would be helpful

T89249 T100535 T91529

I do not see a space field on the task edit form.

If I go to for example then click edit task then just save it brings up the error, also updated the description does the same and subscribing.

Also @Aklapper no the space field is not displayed.

It seems that editing newly created tasks after the upgrade earlier today works. Such as works.

If you use actions from comment box it works but editing the task directly dosent.

Another example: T99892

I clicked "Edit" and tried to add the ContentTranslation tag, and got this cryptic error message.

@zeljkofilipin can not edit without getting that error, but I just did: without getting that error.

Why can some do it and some not?

@greg I can edit some tasks if they were created after today update, any before the update I carn't edit so its strange why some can edit and some carn't.

It maybe because some users who are in the admin group can edit and others carn't

Ok I've applied a hotfix from, can someone confirm if this is fixed? I haven't been able to reproduce the problem.

Ok I've applied a hotfix from, can someone confirm if this is fixed? I haven't been able to reproduce the problem.

Works now at least on the task I had issues with.

@Danny_B: Thanks, I'll wait for one more confirmation before closing this.

Mentioned in SAL [2016-02-18T18:53:07Z] <twentyafterfour> tagged phabricator hotfixes as release/2016-02-18/2 in the phabricator/phabricator repository. This includes fixes T127290 and T127349