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Investigate Tool Labs as an option for running the Program Dashboard
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In our meeting (see T127390), Tool Labs was suggested as another possible option for running the dashboard as it also provides read/write user-created databases and access to MW replicas, etc.

There are some open questions about Tool Labs that will need answering before considering the option further. @yuvipanda, if you have any advice for us based on the below, it would be much appreciated.

  • Is Tool Labs uptime sufficient for running the dashboard, particularly during peak seasons/times? Can we haz historical data? (see T127390#2076008)
  • Is the database performance good enough for the Rails app? We'll probably need some profiling data before we can answer this with accuracy (see T128785), but knowing a little more about the database setup in Tool Labs will help us gauge performance capacity at least.
  • How would we run the application? AFAIK, lighttpd is the only option in Tool Labs. I'm not sure if it supports mod_passenger and/or proxy pass to a backend application socket created by something like Unicorn. Are there any existing Rails based Tool Labs projects that we can learn from?
  • Would we be limited in our gem dependencies? I.e. can we bundle install or would we have to pre-bundle everything?