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Flow boards should use paginated scrolling
Open, Needs TriagePublic


A Flow board is currently a single resource identified by a single URL, and content is exposed as the user scrolls down. That is an antipattern: scroll position is lost whenever a browser tab is reloaded, closed and reopened, or the user navigates away and back; search engines might not discover or might rank down part of the board, or links from the search result page might lead to a page which does not contain the searched expression.

A better way to handle that is paginated infinite scroll where the URL is updated to track which "virtual pagination block" the user is currently looking at. (Discourse has a nice implementation of that; example and explanation.)

See also:

Event Timeline

Right now, because I need to find specific words/strings on a board, I either need a way to load an entire board at once, or a good search functionality :)

Right now, because I need to find specific words/strings on a board, I either need a way to load an entire board at once, or a good search functionality :)

As it is, and based on my experience, I think the best combo would be a pagination system and internal search (see T76823).