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Updating a commit in a Differential does not reset “Accepted” review flag
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Upload a harmless commit to Phabricator.
  2. Get someone to review and accept.
  3. Upload a new revision to the Differential that has a harmfull part in it.

Expected outcome:
“Accept” vote should get removed.

Actual outcome:
New revision with harmfull part is still marked with “Accept” vote.

(See the timeline and first two Differentials in D8 for a contrete example)

When in the end doing arc patch D8, the harmfull part even has “Reviewed By: qchris2” in the commit message of the local checkout. :-(



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flimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Sep 12 2014, 1:31 AM
flimport set Reference to fl226.

epriestley wrote on 2014-04-26 21:15:14 (UTC)

You can configure this with differential.sticky-accept.

This discusses why the default behavior works the way it does:

qchris wrote on 2014-04-26 21:37:11 (UTC)

You can configure this with differential.sticky-accept.

The default for differential.sticky-accept makes my head hurt :-)

@ admins: Could we please adjust this parameter to not carry over “Accept” votes?

qgil wrote on 2014-04-28 15:37:07 (UTC)

Is it me or there is a bug in this configuration?

I have changed the setting to "Accepts are reset by updates", mirroring the behavior we have currently in Gerrit.

Now /config/group/differential/ says:


Should updating an accepted revision require re-review?
Current Value: false

true/false seem to be exchanged.

Anyway, @QChris please check whether the current setting behaves as you expect.

epriestley wrote on 2014-04-28 16:29:23 (UTC)

Thanks, fixed wording in HEAD (see

qchris wrote on 2014-05-01 08:45:29 (UTC)

Thanks, @Qgil.

Resetting of “Accept” state now works as expected.

qchris wrote on 2014-05-01 12:12:26 (UTC)

Resetting of “Accept” state now works as expected.

Oh no. It doesn't. :-(
It seems the “Accept” survives as “Reviewed By” in the commit message. See T270.