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Create mass editing interface for lists
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have a cool JavaScript-based approach for one-off edits for lists. But for creating a bunch of entries at once, we should have a specialized editing interface.

An idea floated is to use an approach similar to galleries. Each list entry is one line, and edited as such:

Title|Description|file=Optional image

This would be for mass edits and would also double as the non-JS fallback.

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Event Timeline

Change 297179 had a related patch set uploaded (by Brian Wolff):
Add a human readable edit format.

Change 297179 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add a human readable edit format.

Remaining issue: the code editors expects the list to be in a certain language like JSON. It should not do this.

Change 299442 had a related patch set uploaded (by Brian Wolff):
Only json highlight if actually json.

Change 299442 merged by jenkins-bot:
Only json highlight if actually json.

This task is complete pending T139249. Moving to "done" column.