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[Regression wmf.10] "Save Page" button on Review Changes dialog takes back to Save dialog instead of saving the page
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


I cant reproduce it on Beta cluster but only on test2 which is running wmf.10

Steps to reproduce:
1.Make an edit

  1. Click on Save page

3.Click on "Review your changes"

  1. Click on Save page button

Observed Result:
It does not save the page but takes user back to Save dialog from Review changes dialog.

Event Timeline

My observed result in de.wikpedia (1.28.0-wmf.10) was, that the page is actually saved, but neither the edit mode nor the save dialog is removed.

It should take you back to the edit summary page in case there is an error and then immediately saves the page. If it didn't save the page maybe there was an error. Does anything appear in the console?

Yeah, it did take me back to the Edit summary page but didn't save the page . Not getting any error in the console.

Could be T140574, but that produces an error in the console.

It is only broken on test2, but working fine everywhere else for me.

It is only broken on test2, but working fine everywhere else for me.

For me when I did it switched back and then saves, which is the expected outcome…

Jdforrester-WMF changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Aug 1 2016, 4:57 PM
Jdforrester-WMF set the point value for this task to 1.

Not reproducible anymore.