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User Shizhao can't login to wikitech
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Can't login wikitech:

input username and password, goto here

捕获.PNG (481×661 px, 35 KB)

"Please enter verification code from your mobile app" what is this?

Plese help me!

Event Timeline

It's two-factor authentication. You must've enabled it on your account.

@Shizhao When was the last time you logged into wikitech successfully?

There was a mistake at one stage that resulted in a number of people accidently having 2FA activated, @csteipp tried to rollback where he could but wasn't sure if he caught all the cases (From my understanding)…

@Shizhao When was the last time you logged into wikitech successfully?

There was a mistake at one stage that resulted in a number of people accidently having 2FA activated, @csteipp tried to rollback where he could but wasn't sure if he caught all the cases (From my understanding)…

last time about 3 years ago....

I just request a labs account :(

ops, logged into wikitech successfully... .About 4 - 5 years ago? I don‘t remember

I also have this problem since March, before that I never set that thing.

Is this really mandatory now?

Of those, @dpatrick is probably the right person that knows, but I am standing by in case something is needed from my side.

Months ago, I can log in,but it also happen to me. I don't know rember I had set two-factor authentication or not. Can someone help me? >_< My account there is also "shoichi"

@Shizhao, we don't use Extension:TwoFactorAuthentication for 2FA, we use Extension:OATHAuth. But either way I have no reason to believe this is a problem with the software itself.

Months ago, I can log in,but it also happen to me. I don't know rember I had set two-factor authentication or not. Can someone help me? >_< My account there is also "shoichi"

Until now, I still can't log in I guess that I need to use Google authenticator, but I don't know what should I input there. I didn't find any document about two-factor authentication on I beg ops help me turn off my two-factor authentication let me log in. Then I reset it or not,and go to set my Gerrit for my project.

Ok, so what username are you using on wikitech? Is it Shoichi too? I notice that isn't linked to your Wikitech account, but is to your normal wiki account...

Ok, so what username are you using on wikitech? Is it Shoichi too? I notice that isn't linked to your Wikitech account, but is to your normal wiki account...

Yes, my username is also shoichi there. As I remembered, I couldn't link Wikitech to my normal wikimedia projects account. So I also just create the same name there.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2016-11-25T14:16:20Z] <Reedy> delete oathauth row on wikitech for user Shoichi per T144805

This has now been done :)

me too...

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2016-11-25T14:22:17Z] <Reedy> delete oathauth row on wikitech for user Liuxinyu970226 per T144805

Reedy claimed this task.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2016-11-25T14:16:20Z] <Reedy> delete oathauth row on wikitech for user Shoichi per T144805

Thank you very much .

no, still can't login, "Please enter verification code from your mobile app"

This is why people shouldn't pile on with "me too" requests on the same bug for the same thing when it directly affects their account

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2016-11-29T13:27:24Z] <Reedy> deleted oathauth row on wikitech for user Shizhao per T144805

I have the same probleme. user Ato_01

Aklapper renamed this task from Can't login wikitech to User Shizhao can't login to wikitech.Oct 6 2018, 10:08 PM