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Error installing with SQL Server 2014 Express: Index 'oi_name_archive_name' has more than 900 bytes long
Closed, DeclinedPublic


When installing MediaWiki 1.27.1 with SQL Server 2014 Express, one error occurs:


CREATE INDEX oi_name_archive_name ON [mediawiki].[oldimage] (oi_name,oi_archive_name)

Function: DatabaseBase::sourceFile( C:\inetpub\AglWiki/maintenance/mssql/tables.sql )

1945 [SQLSTATE 01000][Error Code 1945][Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'oi_name_archive_name' has maximum length of 1020 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.


#0 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\db\Database.php(901): DatabaseBase->reportQueryError('[SQLSTATE 01000...', 1945, 'CREATE INDEX oi...', 'DatabaseBase::s...', false)
#1 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\db\Database.php(3054): DatabaseBase->query('CREATE INDEX oi...', 'DatabaseBase::s...')
#2 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\db\Database.php(2975): DatabaseBase->sourceStream(Resource id #179, false, false, 'DatabaseBase::s...', false)
#3 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\installer\DatabaseInstaller.php(195): DatabaseBase->sourceFile('C:\\inetpub\\AglW...')
#4 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\installer\DatabaseInstaller.php(218): DatabaseInstaller->stepApplySourceFile('getSchemaPath', 'install', true)
#5 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\installer\MssqlInstaller.php(634): DatabaseInstaller->createTables()
#6 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\installer\Installer.php(1475): MssqlInstaller->createTables(Object(MssqlInstaller))
#7 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\installer\WebInstallerInstall.php(44): Installer->performInstallation(Array, Array)
#8 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\includes\installer\WebInstaller.php(279): WebInstallerInstall->execute()
#9 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\mw-config\index.php(80): WebInstaller->execute(Array)
#10 C:\inetpub\AglWiki\mw-config\index.php(38): wfInstallerMain()
#11 {main}

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Error on install MediaWiki with SQL Server 2014 Express to Error installing with SQL Server 2014 Express: Index 'oi_name_archive_name' has more than 900 bytes long.Sep 15 2016, 11:30 AM

Hi @PauloSincos, thanks for taking the time to report this!
Putting the actual error into the task summary for easier finding.
Reminds me of ancient T12435 :)

Hi all,

Has there been any progress on this issue since then?

In the file "[mediawiki source dir]\maintenance\mssql\tables.sql" Line 624 says:

  • Base filename: key to image.img_name
  • Not a FK because deleting images removes them from image oi_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  • Filename of the archived file.
  • This is generally a timestamp and '!' prepended to the base name. oi_archive_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

Then, line 655 says:

CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_name_archive_name ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_name,oi_archive_name);

Besides, as far as I know, the 900-byte limit includes all columns of a given index key which means that in this case, we should sum up the length of oi_name,oi_archive_name which is 255+255 = 510 which is less than 900.

Could you point me to the place where this 1020 comes from? It seems like (maybe by coincidence) 1020 is twice 510.

I would highly appreciate any of your advice.

I finally managed to get it to work by decreasing the size for both "oi_name" and "oi_archive_name" from 255 to 225.
Highly appreciate this nice forum.

Highly appreciate this nice forum.

The support forum is at
Phabricator is just a place to track bug reports. :)

Change 314826 had a related patch set uploaded (by Paladox):
Lower nvarcher value to 225 for oi_name and oi_archive_name

In the file "[mediawiki source dir]\maintenance\mssql\tables.sql" Line 624 says:

  • Base filename: key to image.img_name
  • Not a FK because deleting images removes them from image oi_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  • Filename of the archived file.
  • This is generally a timestamp and '!' prepended to the base name. oi_archive_name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

Then, line 655 says:

CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_name_archive_name ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_name,oi_archive_name);

Besides, as far as I know, the 900-byte limit includes all columns of a given index key which means that in this case, we should sum up the length of oi_name,oi_archive_name which is 255+255 = 510 which is less than 900.

Could you point me to the place where this 1020 comes from? It seems like (maybe by coincidence) 1020 is twice 510.

I would highly appreciate any of your advice.

I presume 1 character isn't a byte, it'll be 2 or more for unicode purposes?

Change 314826 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core] Drop index oi_name_archive_name on table oldimage

Change 345333 had a related patch set uploaded (by Brian Wolff; owner: Paladox):
[mediawiki/core@REL1_28] Drop index oi_name_archive_name on table oldimage in MSSQL

Change 345339 had a related patch set uploaded (by Brian Wolff; owner: Paladox):
[mediawiki/core@REL1_27] Drop index oi_name_archive_name on table oldimage in MSSQL

Change 345333 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@REL1_28] Drop index oi_name_archive_name on table oldimage in MSSQL

Change 345339 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@REL1_27] Drop index oi_name_archive_name on table oldimage in MSSQL

Is this resolved?

Yes i think so. :) Though haven't tested as i don't use this db.

demon subscribed.

In no universe is MSSQL support a blocker to release.

No, This is still an active problem. and demon, you must work in customer relations

No, This is still an active problem.

Of course it is. But it's not a blocker to release.

Heads-up: As per RFC discussion in August 2019, the previously experimental support for using Oracle or MSSQL as database backends in MediaWiki core has been removed in MediaWiki 1.34, so this task might end up as declined in the future.