PayPal will send us the new email, somewhere... Find it and import into Civi as their new primary email.
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- Mentioned In
- T206650: subscr_modify messages lead to failmail
- Mentioned Here
- T15247: Change url forming of ISBN Booksearch links
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Could do this with the subscr_id, or we could start storing processor-side persistent payer ids with the contact record
Can you describe the process here? ie. is this a case of someone logging into their paypal account & changing the address & paypal sends us a notification of some sort?
I think PayPal will just include the updated donor details in the next subscr_payment message
I think the code maybe does that. It was probably creating a duplicate address rather than updating but the test for T15247 suggests that is happening? Ah no, it only happens if there is a contribution_tracking record for the contribution. So, we could probably remove that IF & it would happen every transaction
Note that the relevant code is the IF clause here - without this if wrapper clause the address would update
*/ if ( $msg[ 'contribution_tracking_update' ] ) { // TODO: this scenario should be handled by the wmf_civicrm_contribution_message_import function. // Map the tracking record to the CiviCRM contribution wmf_civicrm_message_update_contribution_tracking( $msg, $contribution ); // update the contact $contact = wmf_civicrm_message_contact_update( $msg, $recur_record->contact_id ); // Insert the location record wmf_civicrm_message_location_update( $msg, $contact ); // Tag contact for review wmf_civicrm_tag_contact_for_review( $contact ); }
The instruction to not update (fail the above if) comes from
if ( $msg[ 'txn_type' ] == 'subscr_payment' ) { // default to not update contribution tracking data $msg_normalized[ 'contribution_tracking_update' ] = false; // get the database connection to the tracking table $dbs = wmf_civicrm_get_dbs(); $dbs->push( 'donations' ); $query = "SELECT * FROM {contribution_tracking} WHERE id = :id"; $tracking_data = db_query( $query, array( ':id' => $msg[ 'custom' ] ) )->fetchAssoc(); if ( $tracking_data ) {
So the question for this ticket is 'why would we not remove the contribution_tracking_update logic and always update the address based on the paypal notification. (& if the answer is still dunno after some more thought then some code can be removed :-)