When trying to access anything on Special:DeletedContributions. @Ciencia_Al_Poder confirms that this error is happening on a local 1.28 wiki too. This seems to be caused by a database index problem.
[d1c95e99d39f7fbf7e9ca074] 2017-01-08 02:36:12: Fatal exception of type "DBQueryError"
mw2 elementswiki IndexPager::buildQueryIn fo (DeletedContribsPager) 1176 Key 'usertext_timestamp' doesn't exist in table 'archive' (-) SELECT ar_rev_id,ar_nam espace,ar_title,ar_timestamp,ar_comment,ar_minor_edit,ar_user,ar_user_text,ar_de leted FROM archive FORCE INDEX (usertext_timestamp) WHERE ar_user_text = 'D eltaQuad' AND ((ar_deleted & 12) != 12) ORDER BY ar_timestamp DESC LIMIT 51
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