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Create screenshots for TwoColConflict tutorial
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We need a handful of good screenshots with an appropriate zoom level for adding them to the usage instructions in We need them also for the on-screen tutorial.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

…screenshots make sense because it would probably be hard to create easy to grasp abstractified versions of it. So we should try to create instructive, small screenshots.

@Jan_Dittrich and @Tobi_WMDE_SW were creating some screenshots and @Jan_Dittrich polished them up, so here's the result:

rs_helpdialog_01.png (200×440 px, 78 KB)

rs_helpdialog_02.png (363×473 px, 150 KB)

rs_helpdialog_03.png (121×362 px, 42 KB)

rs_helpdialog_04.png (288×978 px, 267 KB)

Topics of Images (in same order as in Tobis comment above)

  1. General layout
  2. In-Text yours/their
  3. You can filter
  4. You can copy paste to the editor

Design details
I [Jan] assumed the design to be hard to abstract. So I opted for edited screenshots. Some elements (mostly text) are blurred to be less distracting and to highlight the symbolic nature of the screenshot (in contrast to documenting a specific edit conflict). I also choose a crop of the image to be as small and focused on its essential qualities as possible.