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Creating CollaborationListContent features does not work on Beta Cluster
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When creating a hub feature of the CollaborationListContent type through Special:CreateHubFeature, it fails with a server error. This does not happen when creating regular wikitext pages through the same process. This also only appears to happen on Beta Cluster.

Likewise, member lists generate just fine upon hub creation (via Special:CreateCollaborationHub), nor is there a problem if you manually create a page through Special:ChangeContentModel.

Event Timeline

@Catrope figured it out. We were actually getting 500 errors, so he looked at the server logs. Turns out somewhere in the source code we were illegally calling an instance method as though it were static. I have a patch ready that will fix that.

Change 350519 had a related patch set uploaded (by Harej; owner: Harej):
[mediawiki/extensions/CollaborationKit@master] Properly instantiating object to call method.

Change 350519 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/CollaborationKit@master] Properly instantiating object to call method.