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Let the user know that they're offline
Closed, InvalidPublic

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Apr 21 2017, 8:41 PM


This task is about signifying to users:

  1. When they are offline in Wikipedia, and
  2. If they have offline compilations available (if any have been downloaded).
NOTE: Supported as a finding from usability testing conducted in T167129.
FindingUsers in both studies found it unclear whether they were on/offline.
Proposed solutionIt would be beneficial to include clearer messaging upfront.
Proposed UI:

A08.png (1×720 px, 86 KB)

1. A card appears on the Explore feed when they are offline
See mock above (redline version on Zeplin: )

  • 2. An sub-status bar appears across the app advising the user that they are "Browsing offline".**

Per mock above, the status bar and sub-status bar is the Accent30 (dark blue) color globally in the app.

  • Clarifying the expectation for the status & toolbar background color in the article stack both online and offline **
(Light mode) ScenarioInitial Status bar (and sub-status bar) colorStatus bar color transition upon scrolling downInitial toolbar colorToolbar color transition upon scrolling downToolbar color transition upon scrolling back up
Online in an article with a lead imageTransparentrgba (0,0,0,.26)Gradient scrimN/A, toolbar scrolls off
status and toolbar transition 1a [online-lead-img-scrolldown].gif (640×360 px, 550 KB)
status and toolbar transition 1b [online-lead-img-scrollup].gif (640×360 px, 708 KB)
Online in an article with NO lead imageTransparentrgba (0,0,0,.26)Base90N/A, toolbar scrolls off
status and toolbar transition 2a  [online-no-img-scrolldown].gif (640×360 px, 330 KB)
status and toolbar transition 2b  [online-no-img-scrollup].gif (640×360 px, 314 KB)
Offline in an article with a lead imageAccent30Accent30Gradient scrimN/A, toolbar scrolls off
status and toolbar transition 3a [offline-lead-img-scrolldown].gif (640×360 px, 524 KB)
status and toolbar transition 3b [offline-lead-img-scrollup].gif (640×360 px, 743 KB)
Offline in an article with NO lead imageAccent30Accent30Gradient scrimN/A, toolbar scrolls off
status and toolbar transition 4a [offline-no-img-scrolldown].gif (640×360 px, 322 KB)
status and toolbar transition 4b [offline-no-img-scrollup].gif (640×360 px, 363 KB)
All other NON-article screens (offline or online)Accent30Accent30Accent50N/A as toolbar remains fixedN/A as toolbar remains fixed
QA steps

Pre-requisite for card to appear in the feed is that the Offline Library contains one or more article packs.

  1. Open the app to the Explore feed, note that the regular feed cards should appear as normal (In the news, featured article of the day, etc)
  2. Go offline (turn on airplane mode). It is expected that the feed should now update to only show cards that can be interacted with whilst the user is offline - including the appearance of a "Manage Offline Library" card, as well as the 'sub-status' bar showing the user they are "Browsing offline".
  3. Delete all downloaded article packs from your Offline Library. It is expected that the feed should no longer show the "Manage Offline Library" card (since there is nothing to manage), but the sub-status bar showing "Browsing offline" is still showing.

Event Timeline

For the 1st iteration, we're allowing the user to use only 1 compilation.

This task is about letting the user know they're offline by showing it on the card in the explore feed.

NHarateh_WMF moved this task from Backlog to M on the android-task-estimation board.
NHarateh_WMF removed the point value for this task.

This has to be modified cause there's no longer the concept of which compilation the user is using.

Change 364564 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; owner: Dbrant):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Compilations: Feed card to indicate offline state.

Change 364564 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Compilations: Feed card to indicate offline state.

Change 381794 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; owner: Dbrant):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] WIP: Offline status bar.

Change 381794 abandoned by Dbrant:
WIP: Offline status bar.

Shelving, until we're ready for full-on offline packs.

Does this task really want the users to know "which compilation they're using" ? I don't see any mention about it in the task description or in the comments.

RHo renamed this task from Let the user know that they're offline & which compilation they're using to Let the user know that they're offline.Jan 17 2018, 1:25 PM

Does this task really want the users to know "which compilation they're using" ? I don't see any mention about it in the task description or in the comments.

Updated description title accordingly.