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Create Wikibase Data Access component and WikibaseServices interface
Open, MediumPublic


This describes the intended architecture for service container/factory of services providing the access to entity data in Wikibase.

The instantiation logic of those services will be moved out of WikibaseRepo/WikibaseClient top-level factories. Instantiation of those services will be also independent of both Repo and Client components.

The interface of the service container/factory of data access services WikibaseServices will be created. Repo and Client components will use the new container to get services they need.

Service instantiation logic will be moved to wiring files that container/factory implementation will use.

Services provided by WikibaseServices would include, among other services, services that aware of "dispatching" interface providing the repository-agnostic way to access data of entities stored in multiple repositories. Note that not all services would use this, so WikibaseServices will probably include the existing DistachingServiceContainer/Factory, not just be expanded version of it.
It might be possible to move the instantiation logic of per-repository services used in the dispatching scenario to the wiring files of the dispatching service container, and thus reduce the number of wiring file layers.

Extensions will be able to register their own services using their own wiring files. Extensions could also create their own interface providing easier/simpler access to extension services.

The intended architecture is also outlined on the picture below:

wbservices.png (452×1 px, 39 KB)

Initially existing interface and classes (EntityDataRetrievalServicesFactory, DispatchingServiceFactory, RepositoryServiceContainer, etc) and related wiring files will be moved to a separate component. That will be followed by creating the actual WikibaseServices interface and its implemenentation(s) and moving all relevant services step by step from Lib, and/or Repo/Client components to the Data Access component.

Event Timeline

Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
Qse24h closed this task as a duplicate of T164723: New git repository: <repo name>.
WMDE-leszek triaged this task as Medium priority.May 9 2017, 3:27 PM

Could we avoid storing design information in Google Docs, in line with the general expectation that a) we allow for privacy concerns, b) shouldn't have to ask permission to read this type of information, and c) it's just not wiki-like (in that it's "closed" and not "open")?

@Izno I agree in principle, but don't see how, in practice. The document I linked to is basically meeting notes, with some post-meeting discussion. MediaWiki is no good tool for that. Etherpad is better, but stuff may just vanish from there, and it doesn't do notifications.

The outcome of such a discussion should of course be documented publicly. That's what this ticket is.

To mitigate the issue, I have made the google doc public, and I have changed the original comment to make clear that the google doc isn't a finished design document.

If you want to discuss the issue further, I'm happy to join in, but let's not do that on this ticket.