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Migrate php-compile-hhvm test to jessie
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The CI HHVM build job has been failing for some time now. The hhvm binary seems to be missing on the integration slaves.

18:13:50 [php-compile-hhvm] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
18:13:50 + hhvm --version
18:13:50 /tmp/ line 2: hhvm: command not found
18:13:50 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
18:13:50 Finished: FAILURE

Event Timeline

Ah, it needs to be moved to jessie (it's currently on trusty which we are not installing hhvm on any more)

Change 360382 had a related patch set (by Paladox) published:
[integration/config@master] Migrate php-compile-hhvm test to jessie

hashar triaged this task as High priority.

I have deployed @Paladox change

INFO:jenkins_jobs.builder:Number of jobs generated:  2
INFO:jenkins_jobs.builder:Reconfiguring jenkins job php-compile-hhvm
INFO:jenkins_jobs.builder:Reconfiguring jenkins job php-compile-hhvm-test

The jobs are now running on Jessie hosts.

I did a recheck of mediawiki/php/wikidiff2 change and it seems to pass fine now: (success).

@hashar i guess we can switch to nodepool now? Or do we stay with static instance?

Change 360382 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] Migrate php-compile-hhvm test to jessie

@hashar i guess we can switch to nodepool now? Or do we stay with static instance?

That is T134381: Migrate PHP extensions building jobs to Nodepool which has a couple patches from March 2017.

Tobi_WMDE_SW renamed this task from php-compile-hhvm jenkins job failing with "command not found" error to Migrate php-compile-hhvm test to jessie.Jun 21 2017, 7:39 AM
Tobi_WMDE_SW closed this task as Resolved.