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Communicate why are we doing the New Developers Quarterly Report and what we are hoping to learn from it
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Communicate goals behind working on this report, process & the timeline, what we are hoping to learn from it, how we are planning to analyze the results, and take them into consideration while planning activities for the Onboarding New Developers program FY17-18

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srishakatux renamed this task from Communicate why are we doing this report and what we are hoping to learn from it to Communicate why are we doing the New Developers Quarterly Report and what we are hoping to learn from it.Jul 25 2017, 8:04 PM

Hi @srishakatux I can support you in this task! I have a ton of experience creating and promoting reports.

Communicate... where? In the own quarterly report as an intro or were you thinking something else? A blog post?

srishakatux raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Oct 4 2017, 6:37 AM
srishakatux moved this task from Jul-Sep 2017 to Oct-Dec 2017 on the Developer-Advocacy board.
srishakatux lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Oct 4 2017, 7:08 PM

Shared the new developers quarterly report on Wikitech-I, Wikimedia-I, and Staff-I mailing list.

Also, shared the report with both finished and unfinished respondents of the New Developers survey via Qualtrics tool.

Just to be clear: no blog post?

@Qgil yeah! no blog post, maybe a year from now when we have more concrete results to share :)