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LintError bogus-image-options triggers on "Thumbtime"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


See example here. Both "thumbtime" and "Thumbtime" work correctly, but a lint error is flagged for "Thumbtime". Additionally, mw:Help:Extension:Linter/bogus-image-options refers to mw:Help:Images but nothing is mentioned there about case-sensitivity.

Event Timeline

Arlolra triaged this task as Medium priority.
Arlolra added a project: Parsoid.
Arlolra subscribed.

It seems the img_ options are "case-sensitive" but the timedmedia_ are not.

It seems the img_ options are "case-sensitive" but the timedmedia_ are not.

That seems broken ... it seems everything should be one way or the other. Is there any reason not to fix that problem instead? But, of course, the qn. is how much pages will be affected by that change -- we have the means to assess that via linter by creating a separate deprecations category maybe?

In case it isn't clear, these are marked case-sensitive in the per wiki configs. I haven't verified that that's the case for all of them, merely for enwiki.

Perhaps related?

It triggered on "Miniatuur". A local alias of "thumb" is "miniatuur" (lower case).

Another false positive:
