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Elaborate documentation on how to deploy ORES to a new wiki
Open, MediumPublic


We have a great outline in, but it would be helpful to expand some of the configuration details and explain exactly how the server and MediaWiki components of ORES are deployed for a new wiki.

Event Timeline

I am beginning and audit of current and desired tech documentation for ORES. Will add this.

To clarify, there are two things to document:

  • How to enable ORES on a wiki that didn't have it previously.
  • How to train a new ORES model for a wiki, and enable it there. This might involve the above step.
Halfak triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 15 2019, 8:23 PM
Halfak moved this task from Documentation to Ready to go on the Machine-Learning-Team board.

@MMiller_WMF This task kind of has a scope problem. There are parts of this documentation that your team is responsible for and parts that we are responsible for. What we are wondering is if there is work your team has already done here.

@Catrope -- you wrote up some great documentation on deploying ORES. Could you please post it here for @Harej and explain what parts of the process your documentation was meant to cover?

The documentation that @Catrope wrote was for RCFilters configuration, and can be found here: