This would be a parent task for writing unit tests to check DB operations executed by extension:Newsleter. It would be very similar to testAddSubscriber in and mostly go into the same file as well.
The operations are mainly functions in which needs to be tested.
To write the *unit* test:
- Add your function with correct name (as to what task you are solving) to NewsletterDbTest.php
- Write what the Expected Db operations are - follow something like the $mockWriteDb operations in testAddSubscriber at
- Install phpmyadmin( to even see what all tables newsletter extension use. These are prefixed with nl_tablename
- Assert if things are correct - look at last line of testAddSubscriber
- Run all the tests once by executing tests/phpunit/phpunit.php extensions/Newsletter from core/
*Expected know-how*: A bit of PHP, some idea about unit testing - and that would be it.
*Difficulty*: moderate, but you can always see what was done before and copy.