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[Bug] Sync error requires force quitting app to resolve
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce

Prerequisite: User is logged in to two devices with sync active on their account.

On device#1 , login to Wikipedia app and enable syncing with reading list “Alpha” saved.
On device #1 , log out and choose to delete saved articles from the device.
On device #1, delete the Wikipedia app.
On device #2, Create a new reading list “Beta”.
On device #1, re-install the Wikipedia app and login.

Expected behavior

Reading lists “Alpha” and “Beta” should appear on device #1 after re-downloading and logging-in to Wikipedia.

Actual behavior

On device 2 there is an error under the "Beta" reading list, which is also not synced with device 1.
This error is not fixed by pulling down to refresh on either Reading lists view. It can only be resolved by force quitting device 2 (not device 1).

Proposed solution

Do a full sync when the user pulls down to refresh on either list in the Saved tab

Event Timeline

Edit: ^ fixes a crash, but not specifically related to this ticket, which is about an error vs a crash. This ticket needs the pull to refresh added in more places as specified in the description.

@cmadeo When goes out in a build can you retry your repro steps and let me know if it's still funky? I wasn't able to repro the error but we did fix the pull to refresh to work as outlined in the description.

I can't repo the error either @Mhurd. Going to move this over to needs QA

Device #1: iOS 10.3.3 (iPhone 6S)
Device #2: iOS 11 (iPhone 7)
App Version 5.8.0 (1377)

This is fixed now as shown in screencaps from both devices.

Device 1.PNG (1×750 px, 136 KB)
Device 2.jpg (1×750 px, 72 KB)