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Add an option to Special:Block to prevent non-CheckUsers from overriding CheckUser blocks
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Add checkbox to Special:Block to "Prohibit non-checkusers to edit this block".

This would need to be marked on block logs as CheckUser protected, and we will need to determine what the UI of Special:Block looks like.

As an alternative, a series of warning messages instead of an outright prevention.

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I would like this feature to be exclusively coded in CheckUser through hooks. No change to the core.

I partially disagree. Ordinary admins should not have to ask for a checkuser to pull talk page or email access because they are being abused.

Yes, this will definitely need to be per wiki, and certainly needs a lot of discussion before implementation.

For the record, the WMF's Anti-Harassment Tools team currently has no plans to implement this and will only proceed if there is community and CheckUser support.

Sorry but I disagree about this feature as it would create unneeded bureaucracy and potential problems with blocks that no one but a handful of us could edit. It is true that we are privy to some information regular administrators don't have, and that administrators should avoid altering those blocks or removing them without first checking with us. However it is our responsability to mark those blocks clearly as CU blocks. Actually, I do not see a general problem with CU blocks being altered by non CUs nor I see much benefit in creating sorts of locked classes of blocks that in most cases only two people would be able to alter. I can certainly understand the idea, but I don't think this is the solution to the problem (cf. MER-C for some issues). Thanks.

Urbanecm moved this task from Created to Watching on the User-Urbanecm board.

@Huji @MarcoAurelio @MER-C Given the discussion on this task, it seems to me like we should close it as Declined until we have consensus on the wikis to implement it. Would you agree?

@Huji @MarcoAurelio @MER-C Given the discussion on this task, it seems to me like we should close it as Declined until we have consensus on the wikis to implement it. Would you agree?

I thing @Niharika you are right, this task can declined until we have consensus on the wikis.