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Season of RevisionSlider: Implement Version 2.0 (August/September 2018)
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Welcome to the Season of RevisionSlider: A project to implement version 2.0 of the feature within a limited time frame, together with you :-)

About RevisionSlider

The RevisionSlider is a MediaWiki extension, developed bei Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team. It adds a slider to the diff page that allows to easily navigate through revisions. The feature got developed in 2016/2017, and is a default feature on all wikis since May 2017. (Extension Manual:

About this project

We would like to invite 4-5 people to join us as a development team over the period of two months, starting August 2nd.

If you are a volunteer developer with JavaScript and jQuery skills (basic knowledge of PHP and CSS on top would be nice, but not required :- ), and are interested in

  • working in a team for a limited period of time
  • a project that is nice to work on, with a clear scope and different small tasks
  • contributing to a MediaWiki extension that is deployed to all Wikimedia wikis

then this might be the perfect project for you!

The scope for RevisionSlider Version 2.0 contains:

  • tasks to improve the general usability/accessibility of the feature
  • a few new features
  • ...

It's up to you how many tasks you can/want to do, & the concrete tasks will be introduced to at the kick-off meeting in August.

Timeline of the project

  • Announcement: Friday, July 13
  • Deadline for signing up as a team member: Thursday, July 26
  • Kick-off meeting with the team: August 2, 2018, 15:00 via video call
  • Release of version 2.0: End of September, 2018

What we can offer you/plan to do:

  • Kick off meeting on August 2, 2018, 15:00 UTC: Introduction to the scope and tasks of the project, getting to know each other, discuss necessary preparations, e.g. setting up the local MediaWiki installation (if needed)
  • Setting up a workboard on Phabricator
  • Video syncs on a weekly basis
  • Help in setting up the local MediaWiki installation together in case you don’t have it yet
  • Help in setting up and using the local code style linters and QUnit tests
  • Learn about pair programming and code review
  • Review and merging patches will be covered by WMDE-TechWish
  • Product management, design and communication support
  • Stickers, t-shirts ...
  • Getting to know nice folks you will have fun working together with :-)

If all of this sounds good to you, please subscribe to this ticket and let us know before July 26 :-)
Also, if you have any questions, please comment in the ticket, or find us on IRC: Best person to contact is @WMDE-Fisch (CFisch_WMDE on IRC, you can find him in many channels, and definitely in #wikimedia-tech).

In case you are at the Wikimania-Hackathon-2018, please come talk to us! @Lea_WMDE & @Bmueller will be there.

See you soon!

Event Timeline

If this is an offer for an unpaid internship of sorts, it might be helpful to state so explicitly.

Hey @Nemo_bis, of course not, this is a mentored project. An internship is a contract between a company and an individual, with a certain amount of working time (most likely full time), salary and all other agreements that come with a contract. The main reasoning behind this project here is what I wrote in the email on wikitech-l: "Finding good tasks to work on, getting people to review your patches, or just getting good advice can be very challenging. With Season of RevisionSlider we want to provide the chance to experience all of this the easy way - together with us." - it's totally up to the people who are interested in joining this, how much they want to do - it depends on the time, fun, skills people have, and it depends on what people want to commit to as a group. I think the difference to other mentored projects is, that working as a team is a big part of it. For us this is crucial in software development: 4-eyes-principle, helping each other, sharing skills and knowledge, committing together to a project/task, and having fun by doing it. So this project is based on the assumption that working with a group, having people you can ask anything, working on tasks that will get reviewed & merged etc. might be a good way to onboard in the Wikimedia Tech world, or could be cool for people who are around for some time already, but usually work more on their own. I hope that makes it clearer (and I really would love to have a mentored-project-tag ;) I will be travelling soon, so I cannot answer directly, in case you have more remarks/questions :-)

Hey @wassan.anmol117, @PeterTheOne, @MtDu, @Zoranzoki21, @Pmlineditor, @Pppery and @Florian since you all already contributed to the RevisionSlider as devs in the past, I thought this might be interesting for you :-). If you feel you want to join the Season of RevisionSlider team just say hi here!

Hello, I am very fascinated by this project, I am interested to work on RevisionSlider.

Hi! I am interested and also at the Wikimania. I was there at the hackathon yesterday working on the broken BUB tool. Would love to meet @Lea_WMDE and @Bmueller. Thanks!

@wassan.anmol117 that's great to hear! I will be on the wikidata booth today from 10:00 - 12:00, maybe we can meet there?

Change 447445 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gopavasanth; owner: Gopavasanth):
[mediawiki/extensions/RevisionSlider@master] RevisionSlider: Fix missing pin icon

Hello all! I am interested in working on the Revision Slider and would be interested in joining all team meetings :)

@Lea_WMDE, @WMDE-Fisch Shall I try solving some more tasks before starting this project? or how do you suggest to go about it?

@Lea_WMDE, @WMDE-Fisch Shall I try solving some more tasks before starting this project? or how do you suggest to go about it?

Just talked about this in the IRC, there's still something to do in the original task. Apart from that let's wait for the kick off \o/.

Hello all! I am interested in working on the Revision Slider and would be interested in joining all team meetings :)

Yay! :-)

WMDE-Fisch claimed this task.

The project is officially done. Therefore closing the ticket.