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Access to create gerrit groups for WMDE-Leszek
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I would like to nominate WMDE-Leszek to be able to create new Gerrit groups.
Currently at WMDE I am the only person that can do this (that I know of), and I gained the ability while requesting access to create repos in T185594.
Leszek is in a more sensible position to be the person creating & modifying these groups.

I guess the solution for this would again be to add leszek to,members unless there is a more appropriate group.

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Paladox subscribed.

We could add the user to this,members group which will grant them "create repos" and "create groups" rights in addition to other rights.

Create groups or create repositories? I don't know why anyone would need permissions for the former without the latter.

Create groups or create repositories? I don't know why anyone would need permissions for the former without the latter.

Create groups specifically.

This is so that he can manage the users in our wmde-* groups that we use for easy adding of reviewers for patches for various projects / teams rather than me (im currently the only other person at WMDE that can do this afaik).
Just removing overhead and delays.

greg triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 21 2018, 12:25 AM
greg subscribed.

Gah, I'm not a gerrit admin, I would have JFDI now.

hashar claimed this task.
hashar subscribed.

The group Gerrit Manager is used on All-Projects.git, that is usually the ancestor of all projects (operations/* are on their own iirc).

That grants the ability to create and delete projects, edit any repos configuration, C+2/V+2 anywhere,access

@WMDE-leszek in the Web UI you should now see in the menu: ProjectsCreate Project

Some documentation about access control:

Don't forget to set a parent project when creating a new one. Eg mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLux should have for parent mediawiki/extensions