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Merge Event Tools and Grant Metrics tags in Phabricator
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Grant Metrics as we know needs a new name. There have been a few suggestions like Event Tools and Event Metrics.

To keep things consolidated we might consider using a single tag on Phabricator rather than two? For instance the designs laid forth at T204009 would also apply to Grant Metrics. The same would be true for any backend work we do.

Other things to consider regarding the application:

Whatever we decide on, we'll need to change all the things in the application, URLs, github repos, configs, tool labs names, etc.

One thing I think we'll need is redirects from the old URLs to the new. Is that something we can do in the Symfony routing setup or does it need to happen in the ToolForge setup?

We'll also need to let the community know about the name change before we start on this work to ensure we aren't going to run into anything crazy.

Event Timeline

Is this just about tags or actually changing names and URLs and such in the application?

I think this is about changing the actual application name (including the URLs, code, repo names, Phab tag etc.). At least, I think if we're going to do it we should do it top to bottom and not end up in the situation of multiple names for the same thing that's happened for some other projects.

What are the contenders? 'Event Metrics' was mentioned the other day I think.

Ok, in that case, I'm going to edit the title and description of this task and we can estimate it at the next meeting.

@jmatazzoni and @Niharika need to decide on a name for this combined tool.

As for the Phab tags, maybe we'll just start using the new one and sunset the Grant Metrics tag?

aezell renamed this task from Consider merging Event Tools and Grant Metrics to Merge Event Tools and Grant Metrics into a new application.Sep 19 2018, 2:44 PM
aezell updated the task description. (Show Details)

I talked with Joe about this briefly yesterday. For the Phabricator tag - I think the Grant-Metrics tag can be simply renamed to the new name @jmatazzoni wants to go with (Event Metrics?). In order to keep the backlog tickets (bugs, feature ideas etc.) existing on the board separate, tickets which are part of the new project can go in a new column on that board.

I was just talking about Phabricator tags, as everything tagged with #event_tools would conceivably also need the Grant-Metrics tag. Just makes it harder to manage, is all.

All the other things mentioned here need doing as well. Renaming the application itself shouldn't be so bad, just a big find/replace. Moving GitHub repos is easy, and GitHub even leaves a redirect so you don't even need to update the remote URL, should you forget.

redirects from the old URLs to the new. Is that something we can do in the Symfony routing setup or does it need to happen in the ToolForge setup?

We can redirect using the .lighttpd file on Toolforge. We did the same thing for XTools, pretty straightforward.

We probably should think about whether we want to go ahead and move to VPS or production first, so we don't end up with 3 different URLs. We can always redirect, and double redirects are fine too (/grantmetris -> /eventmetrics -> VPS), but socially people could end up with bookmarks pointing to three different places. Maybe not ideal.

Also T192748, which is about internal routing. Changing that would mean yet another redirect.

In T204599#4596334, @aezell wrote:

Is this just about tags or actually changing names and URLs and such in the application?

Wait, Alex changed the name to be about the application. But it seems to me like there are two tasks: one relates to Phabricator and either renaming or merging the tags, while the other has to do with changing the name of the application (which probably has various subtasks, like change the name in all the documentation vs. in the UI vs. in the code...). I think this one should remain about Phabricator, which is more of a near-term decision.

@aezell, does that make sense. Can I change the name back?

@jmatazzoni Certainly. Leon corrected me earlier but I've been in meetings and haven't had a chance to clean up my mess.

MusikAnimal renamed this task from Merge Event Tools and Grant Metrics into a new application to Merge Event Tools and Grant Metrics tags.Sep 20 2018, 3:59 PM
jmatazzoni renamed this task from Merge Event Tools and Grant Metrics tags to Merge Event Tools and Grant Metrics tags in Phabricator.Sep 24 2018, 9:33 PM

Where do we stand on this? Would anyone be offended if I added Grant-Metrics to all the #event_tools tasks? That would helpful to me, so I can see the whole roadmap on one board. We could even create an "Event tools" column, if that's useful.

My preference would be to turn Grant-Metrics into #event_tools so that the tags are one and the same.

Are there drawbacks to that?

I would use the long-standing tag Grant Metrics and rename it once we've decided on a name (I just created T205496). But yes, I agree we need no more than one tag, or at least no more than one board.

I'm just getting the Event Metrics tickets going and organized. If there's no need to rush on this I'd just as soon leave the tags separate for now. I simply don't have time to deal with the fallout of integration. I feel it's more important I continue to get the tickets for at least the first Event Metrics release squared away.

For now, Grant Metrics can be the backlog and Event Metrics are more or less what I'm working on. In November, I should be able to manage integration. Unless it is screwing someone else up?

I think that's fine Joe. I hadn't considered that this would make the work harder for you.

I can't imagine there's any huge rush to do this.

@MBinder_WMF Do you know how to merge two tags?

I don't think there is a way to merge, per se. But you should be able to get the same effect a this way: Assuming one project is being archived, you could just tag all of its tasks with the desired project that remains. When you archive the old project, the tasks will only show one.

Also, I saw "subprojects" mentioned. While I think Milestones can be useful, I usually discourage using Subprojects as all of that functionality can be replicated with regular tagging, without the limitations (and instability) of Subprojects. Just my two cents. :)

Also, I saw "subprojects" mentioned. While I think Milestones can be useful, I usually discourage using Subprojects as all of that functionality can be replicated with regular tagging, without the limitations (and instability) of Subprojects. Just my two cents. :)

Thanks, I had never used them and wasn't sure how it worked. No need to bother with subprojects.

For us, I think we'll want an "Event tools" column on the (to be renamed) Event Metrics board. That way Joe has all of his things in one place, while the devs can still see everything that touches Event Metrics code in one place. Would that work for you @jmatazzoni?

I otherwise have no issue with #event_tools, or waiting until November, so long as tasks are also tagged with Grant-Metrics. Is it okay if I tag those now?

We are getting closer to the user-facing merger. All of the tasks in Grant-Metrics presumably fall under the purview of the event tools effort (minus a few ones that are just ideas, and not necessarily endorsed by product). The #event_tools board is nicely organized, so I suggest we migrate everything there, and rename it to Event Metrics. That sound okay?

jmatazzoni claimed this task.

The Grant Metrics board/tag has been archived, the “Event Tools” board/tag has been renamed “Event Metrics,” and priority task from Grant Metrics have been moved to Event Metrics. (Low-priority tasks from GM have been moved to EM’s new Freezer column.) Resolving this task.

@jmatazzoni Thanks for getting this all cleaned up.