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Implement new informational fields on the Event Settings page (so the data can appear on Event Summary screen)
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To make Event Metrics reports more informative, we plan to provide a number of new fields on the Event Settings page that let organizers better describe their events. The designs provided in T206483 show where these new input fields will be on the Settings page (look under "New informational fields to be added"). And the designs in T204009 show where the outputs of these fields will appear.

This ticket describes the functionality of these new "informational fields" so that a working Settings page can be built.

General functionality

  • All of the fields described below are optional.
  • They enable users to add various types of information about their events to the database.
  • Initially, the only purpose of that information will be to display it. The information will be presented 1) on the Event Summary screen (T204009), 2) some portions of the information will be in various downloadable reports, 3) some portions of the information may be displayed in various Program reports and/or screens.
  • In future, it's possible that some of this data will be incorporated into filters. E.g., one can imagine allowing organizers to filter by "event type." However we have no plans at present to build such features.

Specific items defined

This section defines the functionality associated with these informational elements and their display. See T206483 for design and layout.

  • This is a free-text field.
  • If it's not too much trouble (meaning if we already have all the apparatus to do this) I'd limit the field to 75 words/550 chars.
Event type

This is a dropdown menu that contains the following items, in order

  • Content drive
  • Editathon
  • Hackathon
  • Photo contest
  • Photo drive
  • Photo walk
  • Ratings drive
  • Training
  • Wikidata drive
  • Writing contest
  • Other
Event partners
  • This is a free-text field.
  • If it's not too much trouble (as above) I'd limit the field to 25 words/200 chars.
Gender breakdown (estimated)
  • As the instruction text for this element says, in part, users will "enter these figures directly yourself based on your own visual count or survey." I.e., we are not deriving gender: organizers will enter it themselves.
  • Three number fields are offered:
    • # of Women
    • # of Men
    • # of Other
  • Each field is a numerical field that can accept up to 6 digits.
  • Results will be expressed as a %, using the following parameters and methods:
    • If a participant list is supplied, then the total of that list is always used as the total by which %s are calculated. (If the %s don't add up to 100%, that's fine.) If no participant list is provided, then the total number by which %s are calculated is always the total of the Gender Breakdown numbers provided, regardless of whether that number matches our derived number for "Participants". To wit:
      • If the organizer enters values for all three genders, then the total by which the %s are calculated is the sum of those three figures.
      • If the organizer enters values for two of three, then the total by which the %s are calculated is the sum of those two figures
      • If the organizer enters values for only one of three, then the % is always100%.
  • Do not display missing figures, AT ALL: In the event the organizer leaves one or two of the Gender Breakdown fields blank, results for those fields will not be displayed and the figures will be completely absent from all onscreen and downloaded reports. E.g., if the organizer supplies only Men and Women, we do not deduce "0% Other"; the "Other" label or column is completely omitted.If the user does not fill these in at all, reports will display all three fields and fill in "n/a' for "not available."
  • This is a free-text field.
  • If it's not too much trouble (as above) I'd limit the field to 25 words/200 chars.

Event Timeline

jmatazzoni renamed this task from Add new fields and 1 function to Event Settings page to Add new informational fields to Event Settings page (so the data can appear on Event Summary screen).Nov 9 2018, 1:23 AM
jmatazzoni renamed this task from Add new informational fields to Event Settings page (so the data can appear on Event Summary screen) to Implement new informational fields on the Event Settings page (so the data can appear on Event Summary screen).Nov 9 2018, 2:01 AM
jmatazzoni updated the task description. (Show Details)

@jmatazzoni Is this ticket still relevant?

No, I'm basically killing all of this.

@jmatazzoni Is this ticket still relevant?

No, I'm basically killing all of this.

Does it still need to be on the Community-Tech board then?