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Configure helm chart
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The git operations/deployment-charts is the place we'll need to put stuff and where a new patchset would need to be made

Looks like the docs are still TBC but there is a ticket for writing them: and in that ticket a link to as some hint

This wikitech link also includes some steps we could take locally to validate both the helm file and optionally some basic performance benchmarking.

From IRC

<akosiaris> you can get the dockerfile the pipeline uses by talking to

<tarrow> one question I had when making the helm chart is: where is the name of the production image decided? e.g. I saw both wikimedia/blubber and wikimedia/mediawiki-services-citoid

<akosiaris> it's the name of the repo in gerrit with the slashes turned dashes

Event Timeline

Pablo-WMDE created this task.
Lea_WMDE changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Feb 25 2019, 11:08 AM
Lea_WMDE subscribed.

This is stalled until there is more info from the ops side

Shamlessly trying to copy what is there before we can see that was the introduction of the helm chart for citoid.

also see the in deployment-charts for doing some of the lifting

Tarrow updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 497262 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tarrow; owner: Tarrow):
[operations/deployment-charts@master] WIP DNM: Introduce wikibase-termbox chart

I've added a for-instance WIP since I already had it locally. I guess we can use this to try with minkube if desired following the instructions in the ticket description.

@Tarrow am I interpreting things right that this task has been superseded by (made by SRE staff as a part of T220402)?
Or is it about some other chart?

Tarrow claimed this task.

Looks like SRE did this for us as part of T220402 :)

Change 497262 abandoned by Alexandros Kosiaris:
WIP DNM: Introduce wikibase-termbox chart
