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Deploy multi-site plugin to gerrit1001 and gerrit2001
Closed, DeclinedPublic


GerritForge have created a new plugin called "multi-site" this plugin allows you to have multiple gerrit masters. So with gerrit2001 being a master in addition to cobalt we can quickly fall over in case.

This plugin uses kafka to forward event's.

See!topic/repo-discuss/A9dGOppvgGA and


  • Test on a test install using kafka too.
  • Once testing is complete and it works deploy to production.

Note this requires at least gerrit 2.16+

Event Timeline

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 5 2019, 2:28 PM

Thanks Paladox, this is certainly interesting.

Paladox moved this task from Bugs & stuff to WMF customizations on the Gerrit board.

Im going to work on testing this.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2019-03-07T21:56:45Z] <paladox> setting up multi-site up on gerrit-test3 T217174

Paladox added a project: SRE.

This can be deployed to prod (if there's kafka in prod). In my testing this worked really well (we only want replication from cobalt to gerrit2001 so we can easily fall over). replicated to using a mix of replication and multi-site.

Note this requires gerrit 2.16 to work.

Dzahn renamed this task from Deploy multi-site plugin to cobalt and gerrit2001 to Deploy multi-site plugin to gerrit1001 and gerrit2001.Feb 3 2020, 11:01 PM
Paladox lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Jun 4 2020, 8:30 PM
hashar subscribed.

It is really unlikely we will setup the multsite plugin though if we change our mind later we can always reopen this :)