- Wednesday, August 14th, 14:00, Room Curie/Bergsmannen: Basic Introduction to Phabricator (slides) - what is Phabricator and how you can use it. Please ask any questions!
Max would like to be involved as well and help improve on these sessions.
It would be great to have more folks working with Andre who can be onboarded to what we do and lead similar sessions at events that Andre can not attend.
Potential things to do:
- Review current Phabricator sessions - what can we improve the newcomer sessions.
how can we make the "advanced Phab" sessions more useful.
Any other resources or help we can include into the newcomer or general tracks / maybe not an official session.
- idea: signs around the hack saying things like "did you know that phabricator can........ what to know how? talk to ......"
- more Phab dragon stickers