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Wikidata edit (rollback) not propagated to Wikipedia after 10 days
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Wikidata item was vandalized at 22 March 2019 by an IP-user who among other things changed the image (P18) to the image of another person. The vandalism was backrolled 2 April 2019.

10 days later, at 12 April 2019, some users at dawiki see the image from the vandalism in the infobox at which fetches the image from Wikidata. One logged in user, and one not logged in user reported seeing the wrong image. I saw the correct image when logged in, but the wrong image when not logged in.

A null edit seemed to fix the problem, but I think the rollback at 2 April should have propagated to Wikipedias after 10 days.

Event Timeline

I found the same problem at huwiki at the page by looking at the global file usage for
the wrong image at Again when logged in at huwíki I saw the correct image of Geert Wilders. And when I logged off, I saw the image of Mark Rutte in the infobox. Again I fixed it by a null edit of the page.

There's no hint to what might have gone wrong here. We will try to reproduce this in production (sandbox entities).

Addshore subscribed.

Not able to reproduce, and this is quite old now.
Please report back if it happens again