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Update Wikibase Lua documentation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@RolandUnger reports that is not up-to-date. It is missing at least mw.wikibase.entityExists() and possibly others.
We should check what's missing and add it.

functions to add to documention

  • mw.wikibase.entityExist
  • mw.wikibase.getGlobalSiteId

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Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Documentation should be updated once the bug reported in T192462 is fixed

After ten weeks nothing is done. Why?

Hello @RolandUnger, this task is present in our (quite huge) to-do list and we didn't forget about it. However, it is currently blocked on solving a bug (T192462). This task should be picked up soon. Thanks for your patience.

I checked and I notice 2 lua functions not documented. Please, in case more are found, add them to the task description

Looks great! Resolving this as the original missing functions has been covered.

Added a line about redirected entities under entityExists for completeness (as recently we fixed that behavior). @Rosalie_WMDE pls feel free to double check this change

Another possible improvement could be to reorder the functions alphabetically, not sure if that's a commonly desired thing so I'll leave if for someone else to pick that up :)