Here's what's currently available in parse.js,
- --help, -h Show this help message [boolean] [default: false]
- --version Show version number [boolean]
- --wt2html Wikitext -> HTML [boolean] [default: false]
- --html2wt HTML -> Wikitext [boolean] [default: false]
- --wt2wt Wikitext -> HTML -> Wikitext
- --html2html HTML -> Wikitext -> HTML
- --selser Use the selective serializer to go from HTML to
- --normalize Normalize the output as parserTests would do. Use
- --body_only Just return the body, without any normalizations
- --config Path to a config.yaml file. Use --config w/ no [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --oldtext The old page text for a selective-serialization
- --oldtextfile File containing the old page text for a
- --oldhtmlfile File containing the old HTML for a
- --domdiff File containing the diff-marked HTML for used
- --inputfile File containing input as an alternative to stdin
- --pbin Input pagebundle JSON [default: ""]
- --pbinfile Input pagebundle JSON file [default: ""]
- --pboutfile Output pagebundle JSON to file [default: false]
- --offline Shortcut to turn off various network fetches
- --record Record http requests for later replay [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --replay Replay recorded http requests for later replay [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --verbose Log at level "info" as well
- --useWorker Use a worker farm [boolean] [default: false] [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --linting Parse with linter enabled
- --loadWMF Use WMF mediawiki API config [ WON'T SUPPORT ]
- --prefix Which wiki prefix to use; e.g. "enwiki" for [ WON'T SUPPORT ]
- --domain Which wiki to use; e.g. "" for
- --oldid Oldid of the given page. [default: null]
- --outputContentVersion The acceptable content version.[default: "2.1.0"]
- --pageName The page name, returned for {{PAGENAME}}. If no
- --pageBundle Output pagebundle JSON [boolean] [default: false]
- --scrubWikitext Apply wikitext scrubbing while serializing. This
- --contentmodel The content model of the input. Defaults to
- --wrapSections Output <section> tags (default false)
- --debug Provide optional flags. Use --debug=help for
- --trace Use --trace=help for supported options
- --dump Dump state. Use --dump=help for supported options
- --genTest Generates token transformer and DOM pass tests. [ WON'T SUPPORT ]
- --genTestOut Output file to use for token transformer tests [ WON'T SUPPORT ]
- --genDirectory Output directory to use for DOM tests [ WON'T SUPPORT ]
- --genTestFragments Enable fragment generation in DOM genTest output [ WON'T SUPPORT ]
- --fetchConfig Whether to fetch the wiki config from the server [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --fetchTemplates Whether to fetch included templates recursively [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --fetchImageInfo Whether to fetch image info via the API [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --expandExtensions Whether we should request extension tag [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --usePHPPreProcessor Whether to use the PHP preprocessor to expand [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --addHTMLTemplateParameters Parse template parameters to HTML and add them to
- --maxdepth Maximum expansion depth [default: 40]
- --apiURL http path to remote API, e.g.
- --rtTestMode Test in rt test mode (changes some parse &
- --useBatchAPI Turn on/off the API batching system [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --phpConfigFile PHP config to splice into the JS pipelines [ NOT RELEVANT ]
- --color Enable color output Ex: --no-color
vs what's in parse.php,
> php bin/parse.php --help Omnibus script to convert between wikitext and HTML, and roundtrip wikitext or HTML. Supports a number of options pertaining to pointing at a specific wiki or enabling various features during these transformations. If no options are provided, --wt2html is enabled by default. See --help for detailed usage help. Usage: php parse.php [--body_only|--help|--html2wt|--oldhtmlfile|--oldtextfile|--quiet|--selser|--wt2html] --help (-1): Display this help message --quiet (-1): Whether to suppress non-error output Script specific parameters: --body_only: Just return the body, without any normalizations as in --normalize --html2wt: HTML -> Wikitext --oldhtmlfile: File containing the old HTML for a selective-serialization (see --selser) --oldtextfile: File containing the old page text for a selective-serialization (see --selser) --selser: Use the selective serializer to go from HTML to Wikitext. --wt2html: Wikitext -> HTML