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Fix issues with deeplinks and external links interactions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


See child tickets.

The general rules should be:

  1. If there is a specialized native display (such as articles or user talk) use it
  2. Else if the link is hosted by Wikimedia open in the in app browser
  3. Else if the link is any other URL open in the Safari app
URL typeopens in
Articlereader view
Talkin app browser
User Talktalk view
Userin app browser
Main pagesin app browser
Non article content portals: wiki projects, etcin app browser
Other special pages and misc namespaces on wikiin app browser
other links on any wikimedia domain (, mediawiki, etc)in app browser
External links not on a wikimedia domainSafari

Event Timeline

JMinor triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 8 2019, 5:40 PM

Reminder: test all fixes with non-EN pages/links.

Make sure documentation for testing and users on deep links is as clear as possible.

Added supporting methods for determining namespace/mainpage by examining link urls:

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

I think I have most of these covered on 6.5.0 (1700)