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Update ua parser on analytics stack
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points

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Unassigning myself here so someone from the Analytics team who actually know what they're doing can take it.

Ottomata triaged this task as Medium priority.
Ottomata added a project: Analytics-Kanban.
Ottomata moved this task from Incoming to Data Quality on the Analytics board.

Oh hey, as far as I can tell, this is already done! @JAllemandou updated uap-java with the 0.6.9 version of uap-core on Sept 13th, and refinery-source was deployed with this version on Sept 18th.

@SBisson Can you tell if the more recently parsed user agents in Hive have the UAs you are looking for?

@Neil_P._Quinn_WMF Can you verify that KaiOS is now being recognized?

Oh hey, as far as I can tell, this is already done! @JAllemandou updated uap-java with the 0.6.9 version of uap-core on Sept 13th, and refinery-source was deployed with this version on Sept 18th.

@Ottomata hang on, are we talking about the same software? this version was released just a couple of days ago with @SBisson's patch. I don't know how it would be possible to deploy it back in September? Are we sure it wasn't 0.6.8?

Hm, the versions Joal added were 0.6.9. Let's ask him!

Ok, from Joal:

we used the not yet released version because the previsouly released one had a bug making it incompatible with uap-java :(

Ok, so I will need to build a new version after all. On it.

Change 550853 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ottomata; owner: Ottomata):
[analytics/ua-parser/uap-java@wmf] Update pom.xml to release v1.4.4-core0.6.10~1-wmf

Change 550853 merged by Ottomata:
[analytics/ua-parser/uap-java@wmf] Update pom.xml to release v1.4.4-core0.6.10~1-wmf

Change 550860 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ottomata; owner: Ottomata):
[analytics/refinery/source@master] Update uap-java to 1.4.4-core0.6.10~1-wmf

Change 550860 merged by jenkins-bot:
[analytics/refinery/source@master] Update uap-java to 1.4.4-core0.6.10~1-wmf

Ok merged. This will go out with the next (analytics) deployment, and then we need to update pageview jobs to use new refinery-hive version.

@JAllemandou I see you are on analytics ops duty this week, will train go out today?

Since there was only one change to deploy we postponed this to next week. ping to @mforns as this might change our UA stats and thus is a good case for testing alarming

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the uap-core version pulled by uap-java has the changes:

[nuriaruiz@nurieta][/workplace/analytics/uap-java/uap-core]$ more regexes.yaml | grep -i kaio

  1. KaiOS os_replacement: 'KaiOS'
  2. KaiOS
  3. regex: '\(Mobile; ALCATEL([A-Za-z0-9\-]+); rv:[^\)]+\) Gecko/[^\/]+ Firefox/[^\/]+ KaiOS/'
  4. regex: '\(Mobile; LYF\/([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)\/.+;.+rv:[^\)]+\) Gecko/[^\/]+ Firefox/[^\/]+ KAIOS/'
  5. regex: '\(Mobile; Nokia_([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)_.+; rv:[^\)]+\) Gecko/[^\/]+ Firefox/[^\/]+ KAIOS/'

[nuriaruiz@nurieta][/workplace/analytics/uap-java/uap-core]$ git branch

  • (detached from 9db18c3) master

Never mind , this is working: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; LYF/F220B/LYF-F220B-003-01-35-080419;Android; rv:48.0) Gecko/48.0 Firefox/48.0 KAIOS/2.5 {"browser_family":"Firefox Mobile","os_major":"2","wmf_app_version":"-","browser_majo
r":"48","os_minor":"5","os_family":"KaiOS","device_family":"LYF F220B"}

Nuria set the point value for this task to 2.