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Deploy references with different details as the default for a small set of wikis
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This is currently a stub ticket and a placeholder for a first production deployment. Also link dependencies we want to get done before we consider this step.

See subtickets

Planned for sprint starting: TBD

Don't activate on any other wikis.

Event Timeline

Lena_WMDE renamed this task from [Deployment] Book Referencing on first production wikis to Deploy Book Referencing as the default for a small set of wikis.Mar 19 2020, 7:51 AM
Lena_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)
Lena_WMDE added a subscriber: max-klemm-WMDE.
WMDE-Fisch renamed this task from Deploy Book Referencing as the default for a small set of wikis to Deploy references with different details as the default for a small set of wikis.Thu, Jul 4, 11:33 AM
WMDE-Fisch edited subscribers, added: Lina_Farid_WMDE; removed: max-klemm-WMDE, Lena_WMDE.