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Investigation: How to get to the edit conflict UI avoiding the automatic resolution
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story PointsSpike


After we suggest an automatic resolution for the edit conflict, offer a way to get to the manual resolution interface.

This means resubmitting everything (incl. the old rev ID), but avoiding the automatic resolution path.

Event Timeline

WMDE-Fisch set the point value for this task to 5.

Change 559116 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew-WMDE; owner: Andrew-WMDE):
[mediawiki/core@master] [WIP][POC] Add a way to avoid saving on an EditPage submit

Change 559119 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew-WMDE; owner: Andrew-WMDE):
[mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict@master] [WIP][POC] UI should allow for an automatic conflict resolution step

WMDE-Fisch changed the point value for this task from 5 to 2.Jan 8 2020, 12:38 PM
WMDE-Fisch moved this task from Sprint Backlog to Review on the WMDE-QWERTY-Sprint-2020-01-08 board.
awight renamed this task from How to get to the edit conflict UI avoiding the automatic resolution to Investigation: How to get to the edit conflict UI avoiding the automatic resolution.Jan 8 2020, 12:44 PM
awight added a project: Spike.
Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Spike". · View Herald TranscriptJan 8 2020, 12:44 PM

I roughly looked at the proof of concept patch and it works fine for me and demos how the whole thing could be done. So the question _if_ this can be done is answered. I'm not entirely sure if there might be an easier way without changes to the EditPage.php class. Let's maybe talk about this on Friday.

Investigation is finished. We have a way to move forward here. See the POC patch.

Change 559116 abandoned by Andrew-WMDE:
[WIP][POC] Add a way to avoid saving on an EditPage submit

Change 559119 abandoned by Andrew-WMDE:
[WIP][POC] UI should allow for an automatic conflict resolution step

Change 559116 restored by Andrew-WMDE:
[WIP][POC] Add a way to avoid saving on an EditPage submit

Change 559116 abandoned by Andrew-WMDE:
[WIP][POC] Add a way to avoid saving on an EditPage submit